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Made in Unity

Making a 3D game in Unity is something I've never done before. There was a lot of learning how to use the system and running it. It was also a weird process importing assets and setting them up in Unity. When it came to landscape and gameplay, the amount of features Unity had to offer was a little daunting. Walking around the landscape I created was the most exciting aspect, since it was a pretty awesome experience to move around in my own creation. The most difficult portion was probably utilizing Unity because there were so many tabs, settings, and tools to utilize. Overall, I don't believe I'll use this approach to make personal games, but it did provide me a lot of insight into how such games are made.




1. Understanding how to create custom terrains in unity

2. Creating the basic plot ground

3. Texturing 

4. Importing assets

5. World Sky Texture

6. Shader


3D Terrain Design: Bio
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